K9 Advantix II helps defend your dog against fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, biting flies, and lice. Simpler than a flea collar and troublesome pills, this vet-recommended topical formula works within 12 hours of initial application, killing adult fleas on contact to stop existing flea infestations and prevent new ones. Once K9 Advantix II is applied, your dog is ready to get right back to the things it loves most. K9 Advantix II pest protection is effective on both indoor and outdoor dogs. Your dog should be at least 7 weeks old and weigh 4-10 lbs. to use K9 Advantix II Small Dog.
K9 Advantix II Small Dog is a trademark of Elanco or its affiliates.
Key Benefits:
- K9 Advantix II Small Dog 30-day treatment & prevention protects dogs 4-10 lbs. from fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, biting flies and lice
- Kills fleas within 12 hours of application
- Vet-recommended formula kills & repels on contact so fleas don't have to bite your dog to die
- Easy-to-apply topical treatment is fragrance-free and waterproof after 24 hours
- No prescription needed
Useful Info
Useful Info
Useful Info
Applying K9 Advantix II to your pet is a fast and easy process. First, remove the K9 Advantix II applicator tube from its packaging and use scissors to peel down the foil. Next, hold the applicator tube in an upright position and pull the cap off the tube. Use the upturned cap to break the protective seal, and you're ready for application.
For easiest application, your dog should be standing upright. Evenly apply the entire contents of the K9 Advantix II tube to two or three spots from the back of the shoulder to the base of the tail. Part the hair at each spot until the skin is visible, then place the tip of the tube on the skin and gently squeeze out a portion of the solution. Be careful not to apply an excessive amount of the solution in any one spot, otherwise some of the solution might run off the side of your dog. Dispose of the container and do not reuse or refill. Do not empty unused product in any indoor or outdoor drain.
For optimal control and prevention of parasites, use K9 Advantix II every month. K9 Advantix II is available in four- and six-month supplies. Do not use K9 Advantix II on cats or any animals other than dogs.
Application Instructions: Evenly apply the entire contents of the tube to four to six spots on the top of the back--from the shoulder to the base of the tail. Apply monthly.
Length of Effectiveness: Under normal conditions, the product is effective for one month. However, in cases of severe flea infestation, re-treatment may be necessary earlier than four weeks. Do not retreat more often than once every seven days. After flea control is attained, return to a monthly re-treatment schedule.
Hazards to Humans: Causes eye irritation. Harmful if swallowed. Do not get in eyes or on clothing. Avoid contact with skin. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and warm water after handling.
Hazards to Domestic Animals:
*For external use on dogs only. *Do NOT use on animals other than dogs. *Do NOT use on puppies under seven weeks of age.
Do not get this product on dog's eyes or mouth. Consult your veterinarian before using this product on debilitated, aged, pregnant, or nursing animals. Individual sensitivities, while rare, may occur after using any pesticide product for pets. If signs persist, or become more severe, consult a veterinarian immediately. If your animal is on medication, consult your veterinarian before using this product.
Do Not Use on Cats: Due to their unique physiology and inability to metabolize certain compounds, cats must not use this product. If applied to a cat, or ingested by a cat that actively grooms a recently treated dog, this product may have serious harmful effects. If this occurs, contact your veterinarian immediately.
Environmental Hazards: This product is extremely toxic to fish. Do not add directly to water. Do not contaminate water when disposing of product or package.
First Aid: Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or when going for treatment.
If in eyes: Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15 to 20 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eye. Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.
If swallowed: Call poison control center or doctor immediately for treatment advice. Have person sip a class of water if able to swallow. Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by the poison control center or doctor. Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.
If on skin or clothing: Take off contaminated clothing. Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15 to 20 minutes. Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.
To physician: Treat patient symptomatically.
Imidacloprid: Imidacloprid is an ectoparasiticide, an antiparasitic agent that targets parasites living primarily on the surface of a host. Chemically classified as a chloronicotinyl nitroguanidine, imidacloprid inhibits neurotransmitter transmission in insects, resulting in paralysis and death.
Benefits: Imidacloprid exhibits both adulticide and larvicidal flea efficacy; it not only kills adult fleas and larvae on your pet, but it also kills larval stages in your pet's immediate surroundings.
Main Purpose: To kill fleas at all stages of their life cycles and stop them from being able to move or feed.
Permethrin: Permethrin is the additional ingredient in Advantix. It belongs to the Type I class of pyrethroid acaricides and insecticides, and it also acts as a repellent. Pyrethroids affect muscle and nerve cells' sodium ion channels by increasing their mean open time, which leads to hyperexcitability and death of the parasite.
Benefits: Thanks to its repelling activity, permethrin reduces parasite bites and thus the risk of diseases and stress for your dog.
Main Purpose: To repel ticks, sand flies, and mosquitoes; to kill ticks and fleas.
Two Proven Ingredients with Enhanced Activity: Imidacloprid and permethrin work together to overwhelm the nervous system of the parasite, providing neurotoxic activity beyond that of each compound alone. This leads to more profound and quicker insect paralysis and death.
Specifically, imidacloprid increases the efficacy of permethrin by activating insect nerve cells and increasing the frequency of neurotransmissions. As a result, more sodium channels are opened and the pyrethroid can interact much better with its target site.
Pyriproxyfen: Pyriproxyfen is a pyridine-based pesticide. A juvenile hormone analog, it interferes with the hormone signaling of growing insects, so that insects in immature stages are unable to mature. Additionally, a female insect that touches the toxin will produce eggs that will not hatch.
Benefits: Pyriproxyfen provides an added layer of protection for pets and their surroundings. It interrupts the flea life cycle at multiple stages, halting the growth and development of insect eggs and larvae and preventing re-infestation.
Main Purpose: To prevent flea eggs from hatching and larvae from growing.
Active Ingredients % by Weight Imidacloprid 8.80% Permethrin* 44.00% Pyriproxyfen 0.44% Other Ingredients 46.76% Total 100% - Reviews
K9 Advantix II helps defend your dog against fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, biting flies, and lice. Simpler than a flea collar and troublesome pills, this vet-recommended topical formula works within 12 hours of initial application, killing adult fleas on contact to stop existing flea infestations and prevent new ones. Once K9 Advantix II is applied, your dog is ready to get right back to the things it loves most. K9 Advantix II pest protection is effective on both indoor and outdoor dogs. Your dog should be at least 7 weeks old and weigh 4-10 lbs. to use K9 Advantix II Small Dog.
K9 Advantix II Small Dog is a trademark of Elanco or its affiliates.
Key Benefits:
- K9 Advantix II Small Dog 30-day treatment & prevention protects dogs 4-10 lbs. from fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, biting flies and lice
- Kills fleas within 12 hours of application
- Vet-recommended formula kills & repels on contact so fleas don't have to bite your dog to die
- Easy-to-apply topical treatment is fragrance-free and waterproof after 24 hours
- No prescription needed
Useful Info
Applying K9 Advantix II to your pet is a fast and easy process. First, remove the K9 Advantix II applicator tube from its packaging and use scissors to peel down the foil. Next, hold the applicator tube in an upright position and pull the cap off the tube. Use the upturned cap to break the protective seal, and you're ready for application.

For easiest application, your dog should be standing upright. Evenly apply the entire contents of the K9 Advantix II tube to two or three spots from the back of the shoulder to the base of the tail. Part the hair at each spot until the skin is visible, then place the tip of the tube on the skin and gently squeeze out a portion of the solution. Be careful not to apply an excessive amount of the solution in any one spot, otherwise some of the solution might run off the side of your dog. Dispose of the container and do not reuse or refill. Do not empty unused product in any indoor or outdoor drain.

For optimal control and prevention of parasites, use K9 Advantix II every month. K9 Advantix II is available in four- and six-month supplies. Do not use K9 Advantix II on cats or any animals other than dogs.
Application Instructions: Evenly apply the entire contents of the tube to four to six spots on the top of the back--from the shoulder to the base of the tail. Apply monthly.
Length of Effectiveness: Under normal conditions, the product is effective for one month. However, in cases of severe flea infestation, re-treatment may be necessary earlier than four weeks. Do not retreat more often than once every seven days. After flea control is attained, return to a monthly re-treatment schedule.
Hazards to Humans: Causes eye irritation. Harmful if swallowed. Do not get in eyes or on clothing. Avoid contact with skin. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and warm water after handling.
Hazards to Domestic Animals:
*For external use on dogs only. *Do NOT use on animals other than dogs. *Do NOT use on puppies under seven weeks of age.
Do not get this product on dog's eyes or mouth. Consult your veterinarian before using this product on debilitated, aged, pregnant, or nursing animals. Individual sensitivities, while rare, may occur after using any pesticide product for pets. If signs persist, or become more severe, consult a veterinarian immediately. If your animal is on medication, consult your veterinarian before using this product.
Do Not Use on Cats: Due to their unique physiology and inability to metabolize certain compounds, cats must not use this product. If applied to a cat, or ingested by a cat that actively grooms a recently treated dog, this product may have serious harmful effects. If this occurs, contact your veterinarian immediately.
Environmental Hazards: This product is extremely toxic to fish. Do not add directly to water. Do not contaminate water when disposing of product or package.
First Aid: Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or when going for treatment.
If in eyes: Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15 to 20 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eye. Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.
If swallowed: Call poison control center or doctor immediately for treatment advice. Have person sip a class of water if able to swallow. Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by the poison control center or doctor. Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.
If on skin or clothing: Take off contaminated clothing. Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15 to 20 minutes. Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.
To physician: Treat patient symptomatically.
Imidacloprid: Imidacloprid is an ectoparasiticide, an antiparasitic agent that targets parasites living primarily on the surface of a host. Chemically classified as a chloronicotinyl nitroguanidine, imidacloprid inhibits neurotransmitter transmission in insects, resulting in paralysis and death.
Benefits: Imidacloprid exhibits both adulticide and larvicidal flea efficacy; it not only kills adult fleas and larvae on your pet, but it also kills larval stages in your pet's immediate surroundings.
Main Purpose: To kill fleas at all stages of their life cycles and stop them from being able to move or feed.
Permethrin: Permethrin is the additional ingredient in Advantix. It belongs to the Type I class of pyrethroid acaricides and insecticides, and it also acts as a repellent. Pyrethroids affect muscle and nerve cells' sodium ion channels by increasing their mean open time, which leads to hyperexcitability and death of the parasite.
Benefits: Thanks to its repelling activity, permethrin reduces parasite bites and thus the risk of diseases and stress for your dog.
Main Purpose: To repel ticks, sand flies, and mosquitoes; to kill ticks and fleas.
Two Proven Ingredients with Enhanced Activity: Imidacloprid and permethrin work together to overwhelm the nervous system of the parasite, providing neurotoxic activity beyond that of each compound alone. This leads to more profound and quicker insect paralysis and death.
Specifically, imidacloprid increases the efficacy of permethrin by activating insect nerve cells and increasing the frequency of neurotransmissions. As a result, more sodium channels are opened and the pyrethroid can interact much better with its target site.
Pyriproxyfen: Pyriproxyfen is a pyridine-based pesticide. A juvenile hormone analog, it interferes with the hormone signaling of growing insects, so that insects in immature stages are unable to mature. Additionally, a female insect that touches the toxin will produce eggs that will not hatch.
Benefits: Pyriproxyfen provides an added layer of protection for pets and their surroundings. It interrupts the flea life cycle at multiple stages, halting the growth and development of insect eggs and larvae and preventing re-infestation.
Main Purpose: To prevent flea eggs from hatching and larvae from growing.
Active Ingredients | % by Weight |
Imidacloprid | 8.80% |
Permethrin* | 44.00% |
Pyriproxyfen | 0.44% |
Other Ingredients | 46.76% |
Total | 100% |
K(9 Advantix II
Have not received yet. It's been almost 2 weeks.
K9 Advantix II
I have not received my order in 10 days. Product is good, customer service gets an F. Very disappointed in Healthy Pets.
K9 Advantix II
EXCELLENT PRODUCT have used it several years !!
K9 Advantix II For Dogs
Great product killing fleas and ticks and also prevents heartworm! My dog has never gotten lyme disease, flea infection or heartworm for the last 10 years using this product. Highly Recommend!
Used this for long time
Good product - easy to use! Works well.
There may be bugs on some of you mugs, but there ain't no bugs on me...
I swear by Advantix. I have big dogs that like the outdoors. Advantix gives me peace of mind whether they are playing in the lake or the sand box. No matter what they get into, Advantix has them singing their ole moto. " There may be bugs on some of you mugs, but there ain't no bugs on me :D
great product
I use this product on my five dogs. Have not seen a flea or tick in years on them. It also keeps our cats flea free.
Great prices and quick delivery. If you are looking for a deal, look no more. They also have fantastic customer service.
Great product and Terrific Service!!
Very pleased with the effectiveness of this product. Delivery was quite prompt and my order was accurate!! Thank you, Healthy Pets
Excellent product!
Best I can determine, it works very well ... I am a repeat customer!