Cat grass
I order from yu as this is the only cat grass that I can get to grown anymore. Tired of paying for this at local stores just to have no crop for kitties. You cat grass sprouts as it should and lasts about two months... if I water it. Healthy crop. After it is full grown in tub, I plant it directly into fresh soil and every morning, kitties run outside for their 'salad' dripping with dew.
Cat Grass Plus
I have been growing Cat Grass Plus for Baby since I adopted her about 4 years ago. I always have one in the process of growing while my cat is eating her currant Grass Plus, therefore she is never without. When I show her the newly grown grass her eyes get big and she get so excited she will follow me anywhere. I get so much pleasure from doing this for her. All of these things and it is good for her also. I think everyone should grow Cat Grass for there cats. Thank you Cat Grass Plus. Eleanor and Baby
Always the best.
Our cat has been enjoying this product since she was a kitty 4 years ago and will continue to until her pilgrimige is over. She has earned this treat because we consider ourselves lucky to be in her life. Izzy is the kite that governs the wind!